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~Job hunting = time consuming~

I'm lazy today, so there'll be no polish version. Sorry guys. Make friends with google translate :)

To make the story short - I'm still unemployed. For far too long, as for my personal standards. I've never thought that a specialist with rather high skills like myself would have so much trouble with getting a new professional opportunity. I've been to some interview by now, and must say that some of the reasons why I'm not suitable for the position were pretty much hilarious. My favourite one was that I am too dynamic for an office position. Say what?!

As Alber Einstein (reportedly) said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results. So. In order to change my job hunting process into a successful one, I have primarily rewritten my CV. From scratch. In a completely different form and layout. I have also given up on specified locations and simply search the job offers by the title. Because why not - it's not that I have someone waiting for me in Tricity... I ahve even written a basic cover letter for data related positions, so that I have a foundation I can quickly adapt.

The results are pretty much nice. I have already had two phone calls regarding my applications and it's been only two days! It looks better and better.

Anyhow - all those changes and their implementation require lot of time. It's not only the full time job, it's more! I'm spending whole days reading, preparing, rearranging, writing etc. My elbows hurt after hours on the desk. My neck hurts. My back hurts. And guess only what do my eyes think about that. I only hope it all will pay off really really soon...

To finish with something optimistic - an old photo I took in Frankfurt am Main. Goodnight :)


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